Incarnation and Regeneration

In church this past Sunday, we sang Rory Cooney’s “Canticle of the Turning” and I wondered if the line “and the world is about to turn” was in any way included in Mary’s song in Luke 1. She did say, “from now on all generations will call me blessed”. That made a point in time where at least what people thought about Mary changed. But so much more did change, and thus time is counted from BC to AD, and though atheists want that to change, there is little possibility that it ever will.

Anyway, this got me thinking of how important the incarnation was, and I began a list of all the ways our lives have changed because of what Christ did on Christmas and the years that followed.

Jesus partook of our flesh and blood that we might partake of His divine nature.

He became meat and bones that we might become living spirits.

He tasted death that we might taste life eternal.

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us that we might become the sons of God and dwell with Him forever.

He became a man of sorrows that we might be filled with joy.

He endured the cross despising the shame that we might share in His glory, rejoicing in His praise.

I hope and pray your world has been turned by faith in all that Christ has done for you.

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